PMOH - RUSNAS.ORG - IRAS - РКЦ - Российский культурный центр в Тель-Авиве - RCC Tel Aviv Liaison Office - Israel

в Израиле
РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS ( Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem )
Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Israel Liaison Office to Russian Institutions in Israel and the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs Compatriots living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation ( Rossotrudnichestvo )

נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

JHLC - Jerusalem Holy Land Center - Russian Compound - Main Office
Tel Aviv Liaison Office : POB 26044 - Tel Aviv 61260 - Israel

email : - - - Tel: +972-54-4605497

Oбщество ирас
"для России искусства и мира"

Dear Friends, Visitors - Welcome !

We are pleased to provide an English version of the Russian web-site published by the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv .

This is an abridged version formatted on a monthly basis. Previous months and years, and brief notes of the RCC's monthly program and activities can be found on the 2013 - 2014 calendar, a new format, in our archives section.

Please visit us for additional information and services provided by the PMOH - RUSNAS Liaison Offices in Israel.

Sincerely Gil Gennady Pahl-Vishnevsky - PMOH - RUSNAS.ORG - Chief Coordinator - International Relations - Admin Support

Representation of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad
and International Humanitarian Cooperation.

Dear visitors !

Welcome to the website of the Russian Cultural Center (RCC).

The RCC opened in Tel Aviv on October 10, 2007 , and is one of 85 foreign representations of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation.

The main tasks of the RCC is to promote Russian culture and the arts, support the study and teaching of the Russian language, to relay prompt and objective information to the Israelis about the most important events of the external and internal policy of Russia, promoting the implementation of the joint Russian-Israeli programs in the humanitarian, cultural, scientific, technical and educational fields.

We are proud of the huge contribution of the Jews in World War I and the Russian culture, seeking to preserve and enhance it.
In this regard, we welcome the cooperation of creative teams who came from the USSR, the CIS, as well as all the musicians, singers, writers and artists and who started new careers in Israel.

The RCC team is doing its best to present an interesting program in a relaxed athmosphere to our valued visitors.

We will be happy to hear your suggestions.

Welcome !

RKC-RCC web-site:
Dear visitors!
Effective 1 September 2013, the Russian Cultural Center has a new Director, Ms. Natalia Yakimchuk.   please click here  for a brief biographical summary.

Sincerely, RCC Administration


Российский культурный центр в Тель-Авиве

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304

click here for map with directions to the RCC

Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961


Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv :
Director Ms. Natalia Yakimchuk - Assistant Director : Denis Parkhomchuk

Admin: Manager : Vera Yedidya - Ext.104 / Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

(VII) creative season 2013-2014.

РКЦ- RCC   January 2014

Поздравляем друзей РКЦ с Новым 2014 годом!
To all RCC Friends a Happy New Year 2014

Changes are possible, it is recommended to follow the announcements.
Participation in RCC events by appointment only. - Registration starts 2 January 2014

All RCC Activities - Facilities - Links

Courses, studios, Circles, Russian language courses - free group for children and students. Computer courses for adults. Studio drawing and painting (for kids and adults). School playing six-string guitar (for children and adults). Theatrical studio "Silhouette" (for adults). Weekly Educational and methodical Russian language courses.

Library: loan, reading room, stand with new additions. Internet.
Opening hours: Monday (11.00-15.30), Wednesday (14.00-18.30), Fri. (10.00-13.30). Opening hours might change, please watch for ments.
We recommend advance registration for events. Registration starts at the beginning of each month.
10 Oct 2007 - Opening Reception at the RCC in Tel Aviv
RCC Staff - Red Army Forest - V-Day - May 2013

Ms Natalia Yakimchuk

Exhibitions 8 - 28 January 2014

"Symphony paints the Holy Land "
exhibition of works by members of the Association of Professional Artists of Israel.

" It was us who endured the blockade " -
historical and documentary photography exhibition (8 - 23 January ) .
70th anniversary of the full liberation of Leningrad by Soviet troops ending the terrible Nazi blockade.

"Do not capitulate city , adults and children ..."
literary and art exhibition .

"The heart , mind and imagination ... "
literary and art exhibition dedicated to the Year of Culture in Russia.

Photo exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church
St. Peter the Apostle and righteous Tabitha in Jaffa.

January 2014
RCC January 2014 Plan - Russian Original (Pdf)   open / download here



Christmas party for children from Russia-CIS, undergoing cancer treatment in Israeli hospitals.
Radio REKA (Voice of Israel) RCC ( Dr Tatyana Yatsyuk) children new year broadcast hosted by Victoria Dolinskaya
Orthodox Christmas Eve
Orthodox Christmas
RCC extends Christmas Greetings to the Greek Orthodox Bishop and the Christian Orthodox community of Jaffa during a reception.
Israelis studying Russian language and family members met at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
RCC 18:00 - literary and musical evening in honor of the prominent Russian writer Daniil Granin (Leningrad blockade heroism)

Solemn opening of the photo exhibition dedicated to the 120 anniversary of the consecration of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter the Apostle and Tabifa in Jaffa.
RCC - 18:00 - Bardic songs and poems with a guest from Sevastopol, famous Bard and poet laureate of international festivals Andrey Sobolev and local bards

RCC hosts the creators/actors of the popular Israeli television series "Yellow Peppers", the winner of five awards of the Israeli Television Academy

RCC - 12:00 - Cinema Club "SREDA". presenting "Geographer Globe propyl" Director - A. Veledinsky.

Natzrat Illit - Opening of the RCC's photo-exhibition, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the full liberation of Leningrad by Soviet troops ending the Leningrad blockade.
RCC - 18:00 Evening presentation of the Russian-speaking community of Netivot. Concert program.
Fri 3 Jan. 2014 - RCC hosts a Christmas party for children from Russia-CIS, undergoing cancer treatment in Israeli hospitals.
under construction
Sat 4 Jan. 2014 - Radio REKA (Voice of Israel) RCC ( Dr Tatyana Yatsyuk) children new year broadcast hosted by Victoria Dolinskaya

under construction ....

Wed 8 Jan 2014 - RCC extends Christmas Greetings to the Greek Orthodox Bishop and the Christian Orthodox community of Jaffa during a reception at St George Church .

under construction ...

Thu. 9 Jan 2014 - Israelis studying Russian language during a course at the RCC and family members met at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

under construction ...
Mon 13 Jan 2014 - literary and musical evening in honor of the prominent Russian writer Daniil Granin (Leningrad blockade heroism)

under construction ...
Wed 15 Jan 2014 - Solemn opening of the photo exhibition dedicated to the 120 anniversary of the consecration of the Orthodox Church of St. Peter the Apostle and Tavifa in Jaffa.

In her opening speech, the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Mission in Israel, Natalia Yakimchuk noted the importance of the exhibition dedicated to the church, which is one of the famous religious and spiritual centers in Israel.

under construction

Thu 16 Jan 2014 - RCC - 18:00 - Bardic songs and poems with a guest from Sevastopol, famous Bard and poet laureate of international festivals Andrey Sobolev and local bards

under construction ....

Mon 20 Jan 2014 - RCC - 18:00 - The RCC hosts the creators/actors of the popular Israeli television series "Yellow Peppers", the winner of five awards of the Israeli Television Academy.

under construction

Wed 22 Jan 2014 - RCC - 12:00 - Matinee - Cinema Club "SREDA" Discussion and screening of the award winning film "The Geographer Drank His Globe Away " (Russian: Географ глобус пропил "Geograf globus propil")

This Russian drama film was created in 2013, directed by Alexander Veledinsky, based on the novel of the same name by Alexei Ivanov.
The film participated in the XXIV Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi and was awarded the main prize. .

under construction

Entries are accepted in the form of files in Word format by email:
You can also send your work to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv , 63304 - Geula Street, 38.

For additional information, please call:
National competition of educational and methodical "Olympic lesson"
24.09.2013 - The Rossotrudnichestvo Representation in Israel and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv invites Russian teachers to take part in all the "Olympic lesson" for the best academic development units of the Russian language dedicated to the Olympic Games ,and to the Olympic Games-2014 in Sochi.

The competition is to promote and support the creative potential of Israeli experts, enhance the interest of students to study the Russian language and Russian history, addressing educational tasks based on the spiritual values of the Olympic movement and healthy living, as well as to foster the RCC 's methodological developments in assisting its teachers of Russian as a foreign language.

Theme of the contest:
  • ancient and modern history of the Olympic Games;
  • The Olympic movement in Russia: history, champions;
  • Sochi-2014 Winter Olympics capital;
  • Paralympic Games: spiritual values and achievements.

    The submission deadline is January 10, 2014

    Awards: January 20, 2014 - additional ceremonial details will be announced in due course

  • ***


    for children and youngsters aged 7 to 14 years
    from Russian-speaking families.

    Classes are conducted by highly qualified teachers with many years of experience
    in teaching the Russian language in Israeli schools.
    Groups are formed according to the results of the interview.
    Frequency of sessions: once a week for 3 lessons
    (the duration of the lesson: 45 min.) subject to change. Hours: 17:00-19:35 - effective September, 2013.

    РКЦ - RCC - Tel Aviv - Administration - Tel: 03-5166242

    Also contact us for available evening classes - Russian Language Courses
    Basic and advanced Levels for Adults

    click here for details

    click here for details

    All RCC 2013-2014 events at one glance

    Year Calendar Quickview

    РКЦ-RCC Tel Aviv Monthly Activities Index - 2014

    January February March April May June
    July August September October November December

    РКЦ - RCC Tel Aviv 2013 - 2007 Activities Archive








    Contact us and we will provide you with a full translation - asap.

    Dear Friends of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel

    All above activities are published in Russian at the web-site of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv.
    Lately the RCC started to publish in Hebrew as well.  web-address:
    Please note: all pages can be (machine) translated instantly into English by right-clicking your mouse and choosing "translate",
    if necessary,choose "English" on the top bar of the translator.
    For a more accurate full translation please contact us.

    The PMOH-Obshestvo IRAS liaison office will continue to publish an abridged version in English.
    We kindly ask your patience for sites / links under construction and will do all possible to keep up-to-date

    For any assistance you might require or questions you might have, you can of course contact us by phone or email and we will do our best to provide you with the info in English that you need.
    We thank you for your understanding and cooperation and welcome your comments and suggestions.

    Best Regards - The PMOH - IRAS Liaison Team to the RCC Tel Aviv.


    Internal RCC Links

    PMOH-SUHIS - CCCP - USSR - Soviet Union Historical Society
    1941-1945 War Veterans - Israel - РКЦ - RCC Tel Aviv Liaison Office
    PMOH- СУХИС - CCCP - Советское Историческое Общество Отдел ветеранов войны 1941-1945

    Great Patriotic War Veterans - Israel - Ветеранов войны - Израиль

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
    Embassy of the Russian Federation in the State of Israel - Tel Aviv

    Union - State - Russian Federation - Belarus
    Embassy of the Repulic of Belarus in the State of Israel - Tel Aviv
    Rossotrudnichestvo - Headoffice


    Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs,
    Compatriots living Abroad
    and International Humanitarian Cooperation

    18/9 Vozdvizhenka, 125009 Moscow - Russia
    Tel:+7 (495) 690-12-45

    Konstantin Kosachev holds
    weekly conversations with guests on the "Voice of Russia" Radio.
    Konstantin Kosachev

    Head of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo, and the Special Representative of the President of Russia for relations with CIS Member States.


    Russkiy Vek - Russian Century

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Portal for Compatriots living Abroad, providing information on voluntary resettlement in the Russian Federation
    Фонд Возращение

    Russkiy Mir Center
    Raanana - Israel





    Obshestvo Iras

    Iras Tel Aviv

    Gennady Russianenvoy


    update: 26 January 2014
    further updates in progress - more data to follow next few days

    Webmaster: pmoh-iras - intl rus admin support - jerusalem for PMOH-Obshestvo-IRAS Media - Internet Publishing - Moscow - Russian Federation
    All rights reserved - 2004 - 2013 -
    Disclaimer: No responsibility assumed for external links contents ! - Copyright & Trademarks protected by International Law - contact the owners prior to download