РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS.ORG - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Liaison Office to Institutions of the Russian Federation in Israel     

    נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

PMOH - RUSNAS.ORG - IRAS - РКЦ - Российский культурный центр в Тель-Авиве - RCC Tel Aviv Liaison Office - Israel

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation
38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: ruscenter.isr@gmail.com - web-site: (Русский) : www.isr.rs.gov.ru/ru
Administration : Director Ms. Natalia Y. Yakimchuk - Manager : Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101
About the Mission
Russia & Israel
Russian Language
Study in Russia
RCC Projects
Head of Mission
Multi Media
Russian Government Support Programs
Federal Program "Russian Language"
Special Programs - Russia
Family Programs
Monthly Program
Creative Studio
Language Tests
Radio Broadcasts
Important Events

Russian Language Day
annual cultural, educational, scientific & methodical activities aimed at popularizing the Russian language.   more >

One Day Graduate
cooperation with former graduates from the Russian (Soviet) universities.
more >

Day of Family, Love & Fidelity
On July 8, the Day of " Family, Love and Loyalty"m is celebrated..
more >

2016 - Year of Russian Cinema video classes, retrospectives & screenings of contemporary Russian films, and more throughout 2016. .   more

June 12 - Russia Day
The main Russian holiday, which marked the beginning of the modern history of the state and the Russian Federation. .   more
2016 Activities


Apr 17 - 21 Bat-Yam / Tel-Aviv / Jerusalem / Ramat-Gan - 3rd Intl Festival
Rich program, participants from different countries! The nominations in all manifestations of creativity! age frame : 5 to 25 years - art-kaleidoscope.com Tel: 052-437-3536

April 16, 2016 at 12:00 , RCC Tel Aviv
Test your Russian language competence, Special certificates for Movers and those who made ​​ the least number of errors will be awarded prizes.
Register online: /totaldict.ru - tel: 03-5166242

Attn participants " Total Dictation-2016 "
(RCC Apr.16 12:00)

only 2 sessions left ! Mar 28 & Apr.11

Free spelling skills brush-up, conducted by linguisit Dr.Tatiana Yatsyuk.
Details: 03-5166242 .

Register online: www.totaldict.ru

March 31 - April 1, 2016 the Tel Aviv University will host Days of Russian language and culture
31.3. 18:15 the famous Russian linguist, Professor Maxim Krongauz (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) "We can not predict how our word will respond": language conflicts in the media and social networks. "

March 31 - 2016 - Presentation of the annual award "Educator of the Year" in Ashdod in the Performing Arts Center

The annual award "Educator of the Year", was established by the Israeli children's creativity support center

28 to 29 March - I Intl M. Alexandrovich Vocalists Contest

3 age categories: 6 years, from 10 to 14, over 15 years. Nominations: vocal ensembles and solo singing.Open to young musicians, regardless of citizenship, nationality and place of residence.
March 29 at 18:00 -RCC gala concert featuring the winners.

23. March 2016 - 18:00 RCC
Film "Garden of Eden" (Russia, 2015). Director - People's Artist of Russia Alexander Proshkin.

II International poetic festival
"The Road to the Temple, 2015-2016"
   March 13. - March16, 2016

The cultural life of Israel. Recitals of Yevgeny Yevtushenko

10 March 2016 - 17:00 Craftmens Fair

10 March 2016 - 19:00 Opening ceremony of the VIII Annual Art Exhibition- International Women's Day - March 8

From March 3 to April 6, 2016
III Russian language Olympics among Israeli schoolchildren

The Olympiad is held & supported jointly by the Israel children's art support center ,the RCC Tel Aviv and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

VIII International competition "Let 's take hands, friends' children's drawings

Deadline of drawing submittance: 20th May 2016

for full details please contact the RCC directly.


The winners of the contest "Teacher of the Year 2015" in Israel honored and awarded. .

The presentation of the "Teacher of the Year 2015" award took place on March 31,2016 in the Performing Arts Center in Ashdod.

In the competition for the title of "Teacher of the Year", which is held annually the Israeli center for support of children's creativity with the support of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, Israel engaged Russian-speaking teachers, famous for their high achievements in their professional activities.

This year, Fira Grines Director of the Physical and Mathematical School "Leket" ( Ashdod) was honored with the award "Teacher of the Year" . .  read more >>>
Russian linguist Max Krongauz (Higher school of Economics, Moscow), spoke to the Israeli Audience on 31 March 2016 on the current state of the Russian language .

The lecture was held within the framework of the Russian Language and Culture Days, at Tel Aviv University, organized by the Cummings Center for the Study of Russia and Eastern Europe, the Association of Friends of the Tel Aviv University in Russia, supported by the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv. .  read more >>>
March 30, 2016
On March 28-29,2016, the 1st International Vocal Competition named after Mikhail Alexandrovich in Israel took place at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv .

the current state of the Russian language

The lecture was held within the framework of the Russian Language and Culture Days, at Tel Aviv University, organized by the Cummings Center for the Study of Russia and Eastern Europe, the Association of Friends of the Tel Aviv University in Russia, supported by the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv. .  read more >>>
March 23, 2016
The III Compatriots Russian language Olympics among pupils completed.

The final round among schoolchildren,organized by the Israel Support Center for children's creativity and the Representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel in support of the "Russian world", was held on March 22 at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv.

According to the organizers of the competition the Olympics, every year interest among students, teachers and parents,is increasing, indicating a growing desire to preserve the Russian language among the younger generation of Russian-speaking Israelis.   read more >>>
March 18,2016
Private screening of the new Israeli film "Castle in the sand" at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

  March 17 at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, Israel a private screening of the short film "Castle in the sand" was held for actors and participants in the shooting process.
The film was directed by the well-known Israeli director and producer Omri Levy. The film is made in Russian and is equipped with subtitles in Hebrew.

As a result, the casting for the lead role in the film, one of the students of Russian language courses at RCC was selected. In the near future the premiere screening of the film to the public will take place at the Cinema Club of the Russian Cultural Center.   read more >>>
March 18, 2016
Cultural and educational project for Israeli schoolchildren continues at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

Within the framework of the cultural and educational project for Israeli students studying the Russian language, on March 17 a meeting with high school students and their teachers from the city of Ashkelon - a major industrial and cultural center in the south of Israel, which is home to a large Russian-speaking diaspora - was held at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv.

Guests of the RCC was the second group of high school students from Ashkelon who came to expand cultural horizons and deepening knowledge of the Russian language and literature.   read more >>>
March 16, 2016
Applications for participation in the IV International Competition of vocalists named after M. Magomayev to be held in Moscow on 22, October 23, 2016.

The organizer of the International Competition named after M. Magomayev is a Fund of cultural and musical heritage of Muslim Magomayev.

International Competition for vocalists named after M. Magomayev - a show of singers who can express themselves in the performance of both classical and pop repertoire.   read more >>>
March 14, 2016
Winners of the II International poetic festival "Road to the Temple" organized by the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

Within the framework of the II International poetic festival "Road to the Temple" on March 14 ,the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv hosted a recital of the laureates and the jury members of the festival.   
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March 11, 2016
VIII International exhibition devoted to March 8, Intl Women's Day opened at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

March 10, at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, the grand opening of the VIII International exhibition of women - artists, craftsmen, designers "Spring Symphony" dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March, took place..
The exhibition is organized by the Russian Cultural Center in cooperation with the Israeli creative association "Vintage Mounting" and "Unity-Art".   
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March 10, 2016
Israel has implemented an educational project of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Moscow - and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

On March 9, the Israeli physico-mathematical school "shevah mofet" (Tel Aviv), famous for its traditions, based on the principles of the Russian methodological school, to high school students, a lecture on game theory and its application in various fields of knowledge was given by the applied mathematics scientist from Moscow , Vadim Shahin specialist, Associate Professor of the National research University "Higher school of Economics" (HSE).   
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March 7, 2016
Meeting with the candidates for training in Russian universities at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

March 6 at the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, a meeting with young Israelis - candidates for training in higher educational institutions of Russia took place.

During the meeting, the guests were told about the prospects and conditions for free education of foreign citizens in the Russian high schools financed by a state grant for the whole period of study.   
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March 7, 2016
March 5 Radio REKA Israeli children broadcast in Russian dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Agnes Barto.
March 5 the Russian-language broadcast of radio station "Voice of Israel" (REKA) was dedicated to Agnes Barto within the children broadcast program. Reporter Viktoria Dolinskaya hosted another interactive lesson of the Russian language for children, together with the linguistic expert from the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, Dr. Tatiana Yatsyuk. - This is a joint project of the Israeli radio and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, which is attended by young listeners between the ages of 3 to 15 years.   
read more >>>
under construction


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation   www.mid.ru
Embassy of the Russian Federation in the State of Israel - Tel Aviv   www.russianembassy.org.il

Union - State - Russian Federation - Belarus   www.soyuz.by
Embassy of the Repulic of Belarus in the State of Israel - Tel Aviv  israel.mfa.gov.by

RAMS - PAMC - Moscow

Russian Association for International Cooperation
125009, Moscow, К-9, Vozdvizhenka St. 18/9.
Tel. +7-495-697-56-88
Rossotrudnichestvo - Headoffice


Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs,
Compatriots living Abroad
and International Humanitarian Cooperation

18/9 Vozdvizhenka, 125009 Moscow - Russia
Tel:+7 (495) 690-12-45

Liubov Glebova (0315)
Head of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo.

Rossotrudnichestvo Headoffice

Фонд Возращение

Russkiy Vek - Russian Century - Resettlement Plan




Russkiy Mir Center
Raanana - Israel

"для России, искусства и мира"
Всеизраильское объединение
российских землячеств (ВOРС)
Association "Moskva"

Russian News Agency
Russia & CIS News




RCC English

RCC Russian

Archive 2007+


IRAS Moscow

IRAS Tel Aviv

Contact the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv for further details

Posted by IRAS Israel Liaison to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv on Friday, April 1, 2016

Welcome to April 12 at 18:00 at the RCC (Tel...

Posted by IRAS Israel Liaison to the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv on Sunday, April 10, 2016

update: 11 April 2016
further updates in progress - more data to follow

РКЦ - RCC Tel Aviv 2015 - 2007 Archive

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