РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS.ORG - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Liaison Office to Institutions of the Russian Federation in Israel     

    נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

PMOH- IRAS -Rossotrudnichestvo - RCC - Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel Liaison

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation
38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: ruscenter.isr@gmail.com
web-site: (Русский) : www.isr.rs.gov.ru/ru Administration : Director Ms. Natalia Y. Yakimchuk - Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

4 May 2016

The first International Festival of Russian Theatres was launched in Israel

The opening of the First International Festival of Russian-speaking theaters "Russian Curtain" was held on May 1 in Israel in Petah Tikva. The festival is actively supported by the Russian Embassy and the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, Israel's Ministry of Absorption, the city of Bat Yam, Petach Tikva, Rehovot, Rishon Lezion, Ashdod, Be'er Sheva, Dimona.

The festival aims to unite workers of the theater, working in Russian, following the traditions of Russian theatrical school, and to the Israeli public, independent theaters and Israel, as well as guests from abroad.

At the opening ceremony welcoming speeches were made by the Russian Embassy counselor in Israel, Alexander Kryukov, Absorption Minister Ze'ev Elkin, President of the Foundation Oleg Efremov and the International Theatre Festival "Post Efremov Space", a theater critic Anastasia Efremov (Russia), Mayor of Petach Tikva, Itzik Braverman .

The festival opened with the premiere of the famous Israeli theater «ZERO» (director - Oleg Rodovilsky) on the play by I. Bashevis-Singer "Taibele and Her Demon".

The festival will be presented to the Israeli public performances of Russian theaters from Israel, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Sweden.

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