РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS.ORG - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Liaison Office to Institutions of the Russian Federation in Israel     

    נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

PMOH- IRAS - Israel Liaison - Rossotrudnichestvo - RCC - Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation
38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: ruscenter.isr@gmail.com
web-site: (Русский) : www.isr.rs.gov.ru/ru Administration : Director Ms. Natalia Y. Yakimchuk - Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

11 May 2016

St. Petersburg State University announces an open competition for foreign nationals

The Saint Petersburg State University announces an open competition among foreign citizens and compatriots living abroad, for training in the field, financed by budgetary allocations of the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

Foreign nationals coming for training on the basic educational programs of St. Petersburg State University (Bachelor's Degree, specialties, graduate, postgraduate), can participate in two kinds of competition ( https://abiturient.spbu.ru/russkij/informatsiya-dlya-inostrannykh-grazhdan.html )

Details are in the attached file.
More detailed information concerning the reception you can get at the official website of St. Petersburg State University https://abiturient.spbu.ru/russkij/informatsiya-dlya-inostrannykh-grazhdan. html or by contacting the St. Petersburg State Commission for Reception of foreign citizens via e-mail admission @ spbu .ru or by phone +7 (812) 328-32-91. St. Petersburg State University Admission of foreign citizens, the Commission is located at St. Petersburg, Exchange line, d. 6, 2nd floor.

Perhaps additional training of foreign citizens in the Russian language courses (tuition fee). Additional information is available on the official website of the St. Petersburg State University: http://www.russian4foreigners.spbu.ru/   and emailinfo@rlci.spbu.ru instrukciya_dlya_inostrancev.docx (21.77 KB)

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