РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS.ORG - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Liaison Office to Institutions of the Russian Federation in Israel     

    נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

PMOH- IRAS - Israel Liaison - Rossotrudnichestvo - RCC - Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation
38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: ruscenter.isr@gmail.com
web-site: (Русский) : www.isr.rs.gov.ru/ru Administration : Director Ms. Natalia Y. Yakimchuk - Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

13 May 2016

Young Israelis spoke about the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in their Russian Language broadcast "Voice of Israel" (Radio REKA)

On the eve of Victory Day, May 7, an interactive Russian language lesson for children "once - in a word, twice - the word" was aired by radio "Voice of Israel" (Radio REKA), by a senior staff member of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, philologist, specialist in Russian philology, doctor of linguistics Tatiana Yatsyuk and journalist Viktoria Dolinskaya.who is leading the popular program "The child"

A special broadcast issue was devoted to the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and the heroism of the Jewish people and the 71th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The program was attended by winners of international awards, soloists Anita Lakhina (violin), Mark Savin (viola) and Violetta Medvedko (violin).of the youth chamber ensemble "Shiny bows" (Novosibirsk), led by Honored Artist of Russia Marina Kuzina -

The young Russian virtuoso came with concerts to Israel in the framework of the Trans-Siberian Art Festival Vadim Repin, one of the best violinists in the world. "Jewish melody" in the soulful performance of Anita LahinThe story of the young violinist Musi Pinkenzon,was heard on the radio, devoted to the memory of the pioneer-hero, about the heroism which listeners have learned in the classroom. Also songs were sung and poems about the war recited during the program.

Interactive lesson of the Russian language "Once - in a word, twice - the word" is a joint project of the Russian Cultural Center and the radio "Voice of Israel, broadcasted monthly and now aired in its fourth year.

According to feedback from listeners, this popular program increases the motivation of young Israelis to study the Russian language.
The next lesson will be aired in early June and will be devoted to the Day of Russian language and Pushkin Day.


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