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6 June 2016

We invite you to take part in the 14th International Russian Language Olympics for foreign pupils

The organizer of the Olympics has traditionally been the Russian language State University named after A.S. Pushkin with the support of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, under the auspices of the International Association of Russian language and literature teachers (MAPRYAL) and Russotrudnichestvo.

The Olympics will take place in two categories : for high school students from abroad who are studying Russian as a foreign language, and for students in foreign schools conducting their studies in Russian.

There are four phases of competition: online registration, screening test, semifinals (creative job, grammar, civics questions) and final (essay, oral presentation).

The Final Olympics will be held in November 2016.

All participants will receive an electronic certificate. The absolute winners of the Olympics - 5 people from each category - will receive certificates giving the right to study Russian at the Pushkin State Institute or in another program at a University which focuses on philological/linguistic studies, at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation.

The timing of the Olympics:
I.Registration on the portal "Russian education" (pushkininstitute.ru)- from 10:00 (Moscow time) on 10.05.2016, until 18:00 on 31.08.2016.
II.Qualifying stage- from 10:00 on 15.06.2016, until 18:00 on 15.09.2016.
III.Semi-final- from 10:00 on 16.09.2016,unil 18:00 on 30.09.2016.
IV.Final- from 15.11.2016 until 30.11.2016.

Before registering please read the XIV International Russian language Olympics regulations of conduct.

If you have any questions contact the organizers at the following e-mail address: rusolimpiada@pushkin.institute

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