РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS.ORG - Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Москва
RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Liaison Office to Institutions of the Russian Federation in Israel     

    נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל

PMOH- IRAS -Rossotrudnichestvo - RCC - Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel Liaison

Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel
Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the CIS States, Compatriots Living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation
38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: ruscenter.isr@gmail.com
web-site: (Русский) : www.isr.rs.gov.ru/ru Administration : Director Ms. Natalia Y. Yakimchuk - Secretary : Eleonora - Ext. 101

Moscow, 2016

Support Programs - Program of Work with Compatriots Residing Abroad

The world's population of about 30 million Russian compatriots living outside Russia for one reason or another. This is one of the largest largest diasporas in the world. Living abroad, being included in another system of values, our fellow citizens do not lose touch with their historical homeland, not only they themselves, but also their children know and love the Russian language, culture and traditions.

Russian compatriots are carriers of Russian culture, values, language, a kind of conductor and humanitarian ties between Russia and foreign countries.
Rossotrudnichestvo actively cooperates with organizations of compatriots by organizing various joint activities for people who continue to feel their involvement in Russia and do everything for the development of friendly relations between the two countries.

The competence of the Russian Cooperation includes the implementation of the program of work with compatriots living abroad , in support of public associations of compatriots, meet the cultural, linguistic and spiritual needs of Russian compatriots abroad, support Russian diaspora youth.

Every year around the world events are held for compatriots dedicated to the Day of National Unity and the Day of the Russian language, art festivals, sports tournaments, themed competitions, evenings devoted to memorable dates of Russian history and culture.

Rossotrudnichestvo supports the activities undertaken by the Russian Federation.

One of the biggest events of the Programme is the organization of educational trips to historical places of the Russian Federation "Hello, Russia!". Each year, approximately 1,000 young compatriots - winners of competitions on knowledge of the history and culture of Russia, the Russian language is visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, and in 2015 and the city of Kazan.

Rossotrudnichestvo together with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs assists in the protection of rights and legitimate interests of our fellow citizens, including through the Fund for the support and protection of the rights of compatriots living abroad . The Agency also participates in the activities of the Government Commission on the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad , including providing comprehensive information support to activities undertaken by the Commission.

Activities of Russian Cooperation in the field of cooperation and the consolidation of compatriots aimed at strengthening ties with the historical Motherland, preservation of the national cultural heritage, and support for the preservation of ethnic and cultural identity, development and dissemination abroad of Russian culture and the Russian language.


The Government Commission on the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad

State program to assist the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad

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