Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv - Israel 38, Geula St. -Tel Aviv, Israel 63304 - Tel.: +972 (0)3 5166242 - Fax : +972 (0)3 5165961 - e-mail: official web-site: (Russian / Hebrew) | |||||||||||||
Dear friends, we invite you to the events of the Russian Cultural Center .. Advance registration is required,please call 03-516-6242 to register . Please check for any changes |
July 3, at 18:00 - RCC Evening to the 115th anniversary of scientist-orientalist Yuriya Reriha, the eldest son Nikolaya Reriha. Presentation of the new issue of the magazine "League of Culture." July 13 at 19:00 - RCC Day of Love, Family and Faithfulness. Rewarding couples medals «For love and fidelity." July 25 at 18:00 - RCC The RCC film society presents the film "Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger »(Russia, 2016). Cast: Christine Asmus, Victoria Tolstoganova Alexander Galibin, Sergey Bondarchuk (ml.) And others. Distinguished guests of the RCC ! Please note that in July and August our center will undergo repair & maintenance. In this regard,effective July 17, the regular operational functions of the libraries, clubs and studios will vary. Watch for announcements on our website and Facebook . We look forward to seeing you in the upgraded center ! | |||||