Директор РКЦ Наталья Юрьевна Якимчук, Natalia Yakimchuk - PMOH-IRAS - RCC Tel Aviv Liaison Office

PMOH-RUSNAS.ORG - Центр Святой Земли Иерусалим - RHIO - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Jerusalem Holy Land Center
Общество ИРАС
PMOH-Obshestvo IRAS - RCC Tel Aviv - Liaison
Intl Russian Admin Support - Cultural Affairs & Art Societies - Israel Representation - Tel Aviv
"для России, искусства и мира - Serving Russia, the Arts and Peace"

Gil Gennady Pahl-Vishnevsky - Tel 054-4605497 - Irene Yavchunovsky - Tel 050-3011394
email: israel@obshestvo-iras.org - rcc-tel-aviv@obshestvo-iras.org


Representation of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel

Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representation in Israel and the RCC in Tel Aviv :

Ms Natalia Yakimchuk

Admin: Manager : Tatyana - Ext.104 / Secretary :Eleonora - Ext. 101

web-address: isr.rs.gov.ru

Директор РКЦ , Наталья Юрьевна Якимчук

Dear visitors!

Effective 1 September 2013, the Russian Cultural Center has a new Director, Ms Natalia Yakimchuk. please find hereunder a brief biographical summary. :

Ms Yakimchuk Natalia was born in the city of Murmansk. In 2001 she graduated with honors from the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University.

In 2013 - Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University , within the framework of the federal program " Training and retraining of managerial personnel reserve ".

In 2008-2009, she studied at the «The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden PAIDEIA» (Sweden, Stockholm). In 2008-2009, she studied at the «The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden PAIDEIA» ( Sweden , Stockholm) .

Research interests - Jewish mysticism, philosophy, Kabbalah, the Zohar, Shabbethaian movement.
She has repeatedly visited Israel, participating in academic and language programs, as well as in international scientific conferences on Jewish philosophy and history.

Since 2009 he has been working at the Russian Federal Agency for Cooperation, since 2012 - Head of Department, Deputy Head of the Department of Youth and communications programs.

On September 1 , 2013 - Head of Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel, the Director of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv, the First Secretary of the Embassy of Russia in the State of Israel.