PMOH - RUSNAS.ORG - IRAS - РКЦ - Российский культурный центр в Тель-Авиве - RCC Tel Aviv Liaison Office - Israel
в Израиле |
РМОН - РУСНАС - RUSNAS ( Moscow - Berlin - Jerusalem ) Российская Mеждунaродная Oрганизация Hаследия - Russian Heritage Intl Org. - Israel Liaison Office
to Russian Institutions in Israel and the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs
Compatriots living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation ( Rossotrudnichestvo )
נציגות קישור למוסדות של הפדרציה הרוסית בישראל
JHLC - Jerusalem Holy Land Center - Russian Compound - Main Office Russian Bureau Tel Aviv - Liaison Office : POB 26044 - Tel Aviv 61260 - Israel email : - israel@obshestvo-iras.org - jerusalem@pmoh-rusnas.org - Tel: +972-54-4605497 |

"для России
искусства и
Добро пожаловать - Welcome -
مرحبا - שלום
Dear Friends, Visitors You have reached the Tel Aviv Office of the PMOH-RUSNAS Liaison Representation for Russian Institutions and the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs Compatriots living Abroad & Intl Humanitarian Cooperation ( Rossotrudnichestvo ) in Israel, with its main office at the JHLC Jerusalem Holy Land Center - Russian Compound - Jerusalem.
PMOH - IRAS (International Russian Admin. Support) provides administrative support to various Russian Institutions and Organizations.
Obshestvo IRAS - Israel serves the local Russian - CIS Compatriots, Artists & War Veterans Community in Israel, where approx 1.1 million Russian - CIS Compatriots are residing.
Our mission is the enhancement of the Russian Presence here in the Holy Land and abroad - to raise awareness of Russian Cultural activities amongst the local population and to positively correct and influence Russia's Public Image in view of old clichees and anti-Russian sentiment, to assist the Russian Compatriot communities, with emphasis regarding the youth and veterans, to uphold Russian traditions and familiarize outsiders with our customs and traditions, with an emphasis on hospitality and to recruit new volunteers to our cause.
A total of approx 5.6 million Russian Compatriots are residing worldwide, with the majority of 3.1 million in the USA & Canada, 1.1 million in Israel and another 1.4 million throughout Europe,Asia and Latin America.
The Representation in Israel is part of the PMOH - IRAS - International Division with its headoffice in the Russian capital Moscow.
Its Russian - CIS Bureau in Moscow deals with cultural and artistic affairs of the 15 member states/republics of the former Soviet Union,the majority of which form the CIS with the exception of the Baltic States, Georgia and Ukraine (under review). Approx 25 million Russian Compatriots reside outside the Russian Federation in the neighboring CIS - FSU countries. |
RCC Tel Aviv English web-site |
Russian Bureau Tel Aviv
Our e-mail : israel@obshestvo-iras.org

Геннадий Паль-Вишневский Gennady Pahl-Vishnevsky PMOH RUSNAS (Moscow) Chief Coord. - Intl Rel. Head of the Liaison Team in Israel
Эвелина Ракитская - EVELINA RAKITSKAIA PMOH - IRAS Country Director Russia - CIS - FSU & Moscow Bureau Chief
email: moscow@obshestvo-iras.org
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Елена Орлова - ELENA ORLOVA
PMOH - IRAS Editor in Chief & Media Director
e-mail: media@obshestvo-iras.org
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Reshef,Michael Special Envoy - PR

Shmygina, Elena - Regional Director - Chelyabinsk - Ural

Soldatov, Mikhail - Director Y. Ola,Mari El Republic
Shkolnik, Haim Fima - Art Director Nizhny Novgorod


 Representation of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel
Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad
and International Humanitarian Cooperation.
Директор РКЦ ,
Крюков Александр Александрович
RCC Director
Kryukov Alexander Alexandrovich (Sep. 2007- Aug.31,2013)
In 1980, Alexander Kryukov graduated cum laude, from the Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Moscow State University.
Moscow State University, Ph.D. (1986), Ph.D. (2004).
During the years 1981-1991 Alexander Kryukov worked as a senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences
of the USSR.
During 1991-2006 he taught Hebrew and modern Hebrew literature at the Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Moscow State University.
Moscow State University, Professor at the Hebrew Philology Department of Jewish Studies ISAA.
Prof. Kryukov is the Author of over 300 publications on the history and culture of Israel, the Israeli Hebrew language and literature,
including several monographs and regional studies books.
He has translated six modern Hebrew prose books into Russian - works of Ephraim Kishon, Emuna Yaron (Agnon), Yoram Buzzard, Amos Kenan,
Orly Castel-Bloom, Menahem Talmi, Etgar Kereta, Gila Almagor, Alex Epstein, Uzi Weil, Meir Shalev and others .
Since March 2006 he has been working in the Russian Foreign Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia (Head of the Middle East Department),
In February 2007 - he was appointed the Representative of the Russian Foreign Center ( since September 2008 - Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo) in Israel, Director of the Russian Cultural Center, Counsellor of the Russian Embassy In Israel.
A.A. Kryukov's translations and articles of Hebrew literature are published periodically in the newspaper "News of the Week."
Директор РКЦ , Наталья Юрьевна Якимчук
New RCC Director Ms Natalia Y. Yakimchuk
Effective September 1 , 2013 Ms Natalia Yakimchuk has been appointed the
Head of Rossotrudnichestvo in Israel, Director of the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv and First Secretary of the Embassy of Russia in the State of Israel.
Ms Yakimchuk Natalia was born in the city of Murmansk. In 2001 she graduated with honors from the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University.
In 2013 - Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University , within the framework of the federal program " Training and retraining of managerial personnel reserve ".
In 2008-2009, she studied at the «The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden PAIDEIA» (Sweden, Stockholm). In 2008-2009, she studied at the «The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden PAIDEIA» ( Sweden , Stockholm) .
Research interests - Jewish mysticism, philosophy, Kabbalah, the Zohar, Shabbethaian movement.
She has repeatedly visited Israel, participating in academic and language programs, as well as in international scientific conferences on Jewish philosophy and history.
Since 2009 he has been working at the Russian Federal Agency for Cooperation, since 2012 - Head of Department, Deputy Head of the Department of Youth and communications programs.
Rossotrudnichestvo - Headoffice
Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, Compatriots living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation
18/9 Vozdvizhenka, 125009 Moscow - Russia Tel:+7 (495) 690-12-45
Liubov Glebova newly appointed
Head of the Russian Federal Agency Rossotrudnichestvo.
Russkiy Vek - Russian Century
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Portal for Compatriots living Abroad, providing information on voluntary resettlement in the Russian Federation
 Russkiy Mir Center Raanana - Israel |
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| update: 29 January 2016 | |
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